Plant = Invest
Harvest = Claim Rewards
Replant = Re-invest
What is the price of beans?
Beans do not have a set price. Higher TVL more beans per BNB, Lower TVL less beans. This creates level playing field so no user can be late. There is NO calculator available to work this out.
What will my daily percentage be?
Daily percentage is up to 8% This depends on your habits, the time of day you replant or harvest and TVL fluctuation.
What happens if I always harvest?
If you always harvest your daily percentage will drop dramatically and will not receive the highest daily returns. This is the anti-whale mechanism that helps so the TVL is not drained.
Is replant more often better, 2 or 3 times a day?
Replant is the same as compounding. so essentially yes. You will need to pay standard BNB gas fees for every replant.
What are Beans?
Beans are the miners that are hired with BNB and work to get your rewards. This is just a term we decided to use.
Can I get my initial back?
CoffeeBeans is a locked rewards pool, so no. You get your initial back over time through the my rewards section of the dApp.
What will the fees be?
There will be a 3% dev fee and 3% marketing fee taken upon ALL deposits and withdraw from CoffeeBeans. Standard BNB network gas fees are required for EVERY transaction made deposits, withdraws and re-invests!
Do beans amount decrease when you harvest?
No, the 'Beans' amount will not change. If you make a new deposit or re-invest the amount will increase but not when you harvest. The 'Beans' are less efficient over time if you withdraw to much.
Is this sustainable?
Yes, as long as there is TVL in the contract then there will always be rewards. The impatient people who harvest too much get punished and get lower and lower rewards. It will last a long time the higher the TVL is.
What prevents the devs from rugging?
The contract is immutable. Therefore cannot be changed or altered in any way shape or form. It will also be audited and verified.
Best strategy?
We recommend the tried and tested method as in it is written in the contract. Replant 6 days and harvest 1 day a week. It will compound your investment and receive your initial back in 6-8 weeks
Does it have an anti-whale mechanism?
The contract has an in-built anti-whale mechanism. This works as follows; User 1 replant 6:1 gets highest daily percentage in that 24 hour period. User 2 does 5:2 gets a lower percentage. User 3 does 4:3 gets lower percentage again. This happens all the way until the user who harvest continually rewards will drop to 0.5% per 24 hour period. This is to prevent 1 user draining the TVL, creating sustainability.
Last updated